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Learning To Love You And Your Blog

One of the reasons why I took so long to come back to blogging was because I couldn't blog. It sounds stupid, but it was as simple as that. I had so many things weighing on my mind and the pressure to write a post that people would read was enormous. When I first started blogging, it was so easy to sit down in front of my laptop and just post what I thought was good. You didn't have to worry a lot about your photography and there were so many chats you could join on Twitter that inspired me to keep going. That's all changed. These days, people start a blog not as a hobby but with the aim to succeed and get all the 'goodies' that all the successful bloggers get. When did blogging become so flashy? Part of me wonders why we have to have perfectly edited pictures, feel we must break the bank trying to get better equipment to help us get those views and be noticed by brands. To be honest with you, I was terrified of my blog. I had this awful jealously insid
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7 YA Books I Need To Buy In 2018

One of my New Year resolutions for 2018 was to read more books than last year. I reckon I only truly read around 6 books in total which is horrendous for me! I did have an awful 2017 so I guess you can excuse me. It's a new year (yes, I know it's February!) and a fresh start to work on my reading. There are so many new books coming out this year and, after scanning Waterstones, I've picked out 7 books that I need to buy in 2018! Theatrical (Maggie Harcourt) I love myself some theatre which is good since I'm an actress and have done a theatre degree. That's why I need to own this book when it comes out! I haven't read any of Maggie's books, but I love the sound of this. The character Hope wants to work backstage and it makes me so happy to see someone writing about the tech side of the theatre instead of the usual 'main character wants to be a STAR'. If Hope is going to be a 'techie', then I hope we get to read about the lengthy t

Welcome to the temporary home for TheDeeWhoLived!

Well, I bet you weren't expecting to see me blogging again, did you? In all honesty, neither did I, but I thought I'd come back to my roots and try to start from the very beginning! Until I get some money together to self-host again, this is where I'll be posting! It's been nearly 2 years since I last wrote a proper blog post for TheDeeWhoLived and I've missed it! I'm hoping that I'll be able to post here while I carry on my little battle with mental health. If you've never met me before then, where have you been?! My name is Daisy, I'm 30 and I have been a Harry Potter fan since I was 10 so yeah...I'm old! Haha! I started a fandom and mental blog around 4 years ago but, due to life being rather mean, that disappeared. I started vlogging on Youtube and have a channel ' TheDeeWhoLived '...I know, I'm original, right? I feel more comfortable blogging than vlogging at the minute, but I really want to be able to combine both of the